Dr. Karl-Heinz Rauscher (Germany)
Trained in Family Constellation Work by Bert Hellinger. Developer of the method "Symptom Constellations" and "Healing Voices". He has been leading international workshops and trainingssince 1994.

His Work
The body is our friend. It is much wiser than we. You will learn to listen to its voice. Symptoms and diseases, whether physical or mental, bring messages which show the real cause in the background, for example personal trauma in childhood or in a former incarnation, trans-generational trauma in the family system or collective burdens that have been affecting the society. Often is a consequence of war, expulsion, genocide, the disrespect and oppression of women by patriarchal systems or the disrespect of nature.
After the initial teaching Dr. Rauscher does a Symptom-Constellations for participants. He works with papers on the floor as place holders in a large room, where he steps into every position to gather the information of the system. In this way you will learn how to do single sessions online for you clients worldwide.
He applies his shamanic healing method “Healing Voices” at the end of the constellation to bring the healing movements to a higher level.
Learning outcomes:
Improvement of facilitation techniques in Symptom-Constellation
Learning of the 4-Column-Test to find the unresolved trauma
Experiencing the shamanic method “Healing Voices”
Learning how to do powerful constellations in a one-to-one therapy setting online with Zoom.
Dr. med. Karl-Heinz Rauscher (MD) studied medicine in Munich (Germany) and Yale University (USA) and spent eleven years practicing as a specialist in Internal Medicine. He is also trained in Humanistic Psychotherapy and group dynamics. Trained in Family Constellation Work (SCW) by Bert Hellinger he has been leading international workshops and trainings in SCW since 1994 in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Sweden, England, Ireland, Netherlands, Latvia, USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina and Australia.
In the last years he developed Symptom-Constellations, a special form of SCW for body symptoms, organs and physical and mental disease.
He works with an expanded range of energetic disturbances originating in the family of origin, in personal trauma in childhood and unresolved trauma in former incarnations. His newest development is the combination of SCW with his energetic, shamanic work „Healing Voices.“
He is also a writer. He writes books on philosophy, novels, stage plays and screenplays. His newest book “Atlantis - Die neue Gemeinschaft” published in German 2018 and in Spanish 2019 by Signos Ediciones.